Groundbreaking Ceremony of Solar Hybrid Power Plant in Panlaitan Island Busuanga, Palawan

Admin December 18, 2019

WEnergy Global launched the ground breaking ceremony of the hybrid power plant in Panlaitan, Busuanga Palawan last 18 December 2019. The plant will consist of 662 kWp solar PV with an 870-kWh battery storage system and 420 kW diesel generators to power a 5 kilometers distribution facility.Thetotal carbon savings are equivalent to 12,500 tons CO2 emissions in 20 years, more than 6 million liters of diesel fuel or 4,790hectares of carbon sequestering forest. Panlaitan is currently without any grid-based electrification. The typhoon Haiyan (aka Super Typhoon Yolanda) caused extensive damage to the grid in 2013 which there haven’t been any investments in restoring the grid and the electricity system has sincebeen dysfunctional.  This electrification project is expected to be a harbinger of an improvement in overall household income and economic activity.